Artwork Specifications
- Litho/Digital: Document size 100% / 300dpi plus 3mm bleed
- Wide Format: Document size 25% / 300dpi plus 5mm bleed
- Fonts embedded
- All spot colours & images converted to CYMK using Fogra 39 ICC colour profile
- Flatten transparencies
- Document orientation right reading
- Portrait PDF files are backed up flipped on long edge
- Landscape PDF files are backed up flipped on short edge
- Black text 100% Black – Rich Black – large areas 100% black & 40% cyan
- Easily identified file name
- Single multiple page PDF, not in spreads
- White out text set to knockout, not overprint
Supplied Artwork/Design
Unless negotiated and agreed in writing, the copyright of general artwork, commissioned artwork and illustrations and anything else whatsoever prepared, developed or created by the Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited shall vest in and belong to Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited. Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited may use any artwork or printing produced by itself for the purposes of promoting itself. The customer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary authorities and consents to reproduce pictures, artwork, photographs, copyright text, fonts and/or any other reproducible materials prior to instructing Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited to reproduce the same. The customer shall indemnify and hold Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited harmless against all claims, demands, actions, costs, expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and disbursements), losses and damages arising from or suffered or incurred by reason of any claim (including but not limited to the defence of such claim) that the reproduction of the Materials by Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited infringes the intellectual property or other rights of any third party or misuses the confidential information of a third party.
Company Imprint
Variations in Quantity
Every endeavour will be made to deliver the correct quantity ordered. However some variation is inherent in the print process and it is understood and accepted as reasonable that minor variations are immaterial and acceptable up to 4% and that Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited shall have no liability in respect of such variations. For shortages greater than 4% and less than 25% the entire liability will be to award a Credit of x – 4% pro rata to the value of the order where x = the shortage e.g. a shortage of 15% will receive credit of 11% of the value of the order.
Full colour printing
All reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain the best possible colour reproduction on customer’s work but variation is inherent in the print process and it is understood and accepted as reasonable that, Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited shall not be required to guarantee an exact match in colour or texture between the customer’s photograph, transparency, proof, electronic graphic file, previously printed matter (whether printed Ros Printers (Killarney) Limited or other party) or any other materials supplied by the customer and the printed article the subject of the customer’s order.